Siem Reap Things To Do Tourist Sites

Cambodian Tour Guides Package Tours

Siem Reap is one of the old town of Cambodia and it’s located in northwestern of the kingdom of Cambodia, and it’s approximately take 4-6 hours drive from Phnom Penh capital of the country. Going to the old town is to see Angkor Archaeological Park contains some of the most famous temples in the world, including the world Hindu largest religious building like, the majestic Angkor Wat, Ta Prohm and Bayon, more temples. it’s also to visit ancient capital, left from the 9th–15th centuries.

Most visitors are surprised to learn that there are dozens of temple complexes that can be visited within the park, and they often underestimate the amount of time needed to fully experience these historical sites. In addition, there are several stunning temples to be explored outside of the park. Our Angkor Temple Guide is a practical and essential resource for planning a trip to these ancient wonders in Siem Reap, Cambodia. It includes information on how and when to visit the best temples. It also includes information on accessing incredible temples located outside the Angkor park, like Beng Mealea, Banteay Srei, and the Roluos Group.

Beside those of the interested and old temples, Siem Reap is also is a better town for relaxing to enjoy natures, shopping and lot of things to view when you are there

Let go to explore the most of Siem Reap Tourist Attraction Sites with Tour Guides Cambodia

Here bellow are the number of Tourist Attraction Spots, 23 things

Angkor Wat Worldwide Number One Visited Temple

For those of visitors who are planed to Cambodia, old buildings of Angkor Wat monument is always on their top list, then Tour Guides Cambodia team decided to article as number one visited temples among the others. But, there aren’t only about old temple there are several ancient sites like Bayon in Angkor Thom compounds, the ancient temple got it’s popularity by it’s 5 towers

After visiting the Angkor temple then TGC would like to bring you to Bayon temple, located is in Angkor Thum’s territory

Bayon Temple, Smiley of 54 towers and 216 gigantic faces,

Prasat Bayon or Bayon temple is a well known as gigantic face and sandstone ancient, was built in late 12th century during of Jayavaman VII reign, the interested of the temple body is about the styles of towers which designed as Buddha face or Jayavaman VII face, everyone are able to walk to the top of the temple and have some chances to photo of your to statue faces.

Ta Prohm Temple, the grand father temple was built in late 12th by the king Jayavaman VII, he dedicated to his father

Bakeng Hilled Temple

Visiting the golden sunset on the top of Bakeng hilled temple is one of the great to view things around the town.
The one day tour is about the main and very interested temples above


The thing that can not be missed when you are already in Siem Reap, then to visiting Pub Street is a must to go and see, the best time to go there is after sun goes down is Pub Street and the nearby night market of Siem Reap.

Sras Srang Temple, the nearby temple of Ta Prohm and also standing at frontside of Ban Teay Kdie temple there is a great side to view sunrise and sundown of Angkor Wat archaeological park is called Sras Srang temple, the temple is of

Ban Teay Kdie Temple

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